Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sundays are for relaxation, or not!

Being a student and having a part time job means one thing: not many days off! So today, like the good little employee that I am, I pulled my sick self out of bed and went to work. Now I should state that I only have a slight cold and therefore deemed myself healthy enough to go serve food to the public. After what seemed like an endlessly long shift, a coworker drove me to campus(thank god because it was freezing today!), where I began to put the final touches on a paper that is due tomorrow. My group is presenting a cultural analysis on Brazil in our global marketing class. It is a part of a market entry project we are doing. It is going to be alot of work but we have a pretty good group so I think we will get everything done in lots of time.

Do you ever have days where you wake up and you feel like you "grew-up" overnight? Today I am having one of those days. I seem to be able to see my life from a different perspective today and it is definitely eye-opening. Things that used to bother me seem much less important today. Anyone who knows me, even just a little, can tell you that I am, well to put it lightly, slightly emotional. But as this year goes on, I am beginning to realize that some things are meant to be left behind and that while some friends stay in your life for years and years, some only come for a short time and are gone. And while that makes even the coldest person a bit sad, it shouldn't be something to mull over. What happens, happens and you just need to suck it up and keep on trucking.

So while sometimes things seem incredibly overwhelming, I am trying to remember to suck it up and move on. Because really, what other option is there?

On a fitness related note, I took another "rest" day today as I try to battle my cold. I do, however, have plans to hit the gym at 5:30am tomorrow with my friend Sarah for spin class! So I must rest up for another crazy week begins tomorrow!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lazy Saturday

I worked all day again today and it was a terribly long one! Saturdays are never busy in the restaurant so they tend to creep by. I dragged myself to the gym after work even though I seem to be coming down with a bit of a cold. I thought that maybe I could sweat it out, but after a short work out I realized it's only getting worse. So I am on my couch in my comfy clothes, settling in for a night of school work. What an exciting Saturday night eh?

Friday, January 29, 2010

Decided I want to climb mountains...

So tonight after a long day of waiting tables, I hit the gym with my friend Sarah for some working out and spinning. It was a solid workout however I am quite sore from boxing last night so it was a rather tough one.

Afterward I went to the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour here in Fredericton. It was pretty amazing! Being that I am kind of sheltered in my life and only this past June, travelled across this great country of ours for the first time, I was amazed at some of the videos. Since my cross Canada roadtrip last summer I have been itching to get away and experience everything else that is out there in the world. There was one video entitled "Take a Seat" about a guy from Britain who decided he would bicycle the entire length of the Americas. Starting in Alaska and ending, well I cant remember the name of the place in South America. He did it all on a tandem bike and picked up over 200 people along the way to help him through the journey. AMAZING!! While I am not sure I would have the courage or endurance to tackle a two year long journey like that, I definitely think that I need to get out of my comfort zone and experience all that life has!

On that note, after watching some crazy people do lots of crazy things, I realized that I am still young and fit and can accomplish alot, so I want to try new things. First on my list, rock climbing. I have a few friends that climb at the university climbing wall, so I want to head over there sometime soon and check out what I am missing!!

Well I am high on life right now and must drag myself to bed, work calls early in the morning again! Dreams of climbing, snowboarding and wing suits will likely be had!


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Awesome night at boxing!!

So I just got back from boxing and I have to say it is one of the harder workouts I have had in awhile. I busted up my knuckles pretty good so I must have been working hard!! I went in the ring and did alot of work doing mitts tonight which I don't always get to do. I find it helps me alot with my breathing and with my technique. I have to concentrate harder on everything in the ring.

Anyway just a quick note tonight, I am off to bed for an early rise for work. Banff Mountain Film Fest tomorrow! Should be fun!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Good day

So today was another busy day. Spent the morning catching up on some reading and then had class till 4. I hit the gym afterwards for what proved to be a pretty good workout. Here's what I did today:

10 minutes jogging on the treadmill to warm up
50 Prisoner squats
50 Frontward & backward lunges(25 each leg)
100 Pushups
50 Sit ups
25 Turkish get ups
50 Reptiles
25 Jumping Squats
60 Bicycles
25 Star crunches
50 Side V Crunches
25 Triceps Pull Downs
25 Row

I took some of the exercises from, Zuzana did a workout called 500 reps, which is 10 exercises 50 reps each. If you want to know how to do any of the exercises check out her website and search for the 500 rep workout, it's pretty good.

After all this I went to spin class for an hour and sweat off probably everything I ate today!!

Needless to say, today was a pretty good day in terms of my work out. I always love the day after you take a day off, I always have so much more energy!

Well I just made myself an omelet for super and I am going to sit down and read a few chapters for school.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

First timer

So on my quest to become my fittest by 26 I have decided to hit the bloggin train and share my journey with the world. I guess I good place to start is to give you a little info as to who I am and what I am all about.

Here goes,

I am a 25 year old female in my last semester of a Bachelor in Business Administration. I work as a waitress to help pay for school and living expenses. This leaves me with little free time, most of which I spend working out. In the past few years I have been riding a rollarcoaster of work outs. Recently I have been hitting the gym harder and have given myself the goal of becoming my fittest ever by my 26th birthday. At this point I have 6 months to go and I am on the right track. Let me tell you a bit about my current work out plan.

I took up recreational boxing in June of 09. I go to boxing class 3 times a week for an hour and a half. On my days off from boxing I hit the gym. 3 or 4 days a week I try to go to spin class and 2 of those days I also do some weights and calisthenics to up my strength.

A friend and I have been doing workouts we found on this website called They are probably some of the hardest workouts I have ever done.

Today I am taking a day off from working out. I haven't had a day off in over a week so I am in need of a rest.

Since I have never written a blog before I'm sure I will learn some tips along the way. My main goal for this is to provide myself with some insight into my own progress, as well as make myself accountable. By writing about daily workouts I won't be so inclined to skip one for a feast of junk food instead!!

So back to the gym tomorrow in hopes of lots of sweat and pain!
