Being a student and having a part time job means one thing: not many days off! So today, like the good little employee that I am, I pulled my sick self out of bed and went to work. Now I should state that I only have a slight cold and therefore deemed myself healthy enough to go serve food to the public. After what seemed like an endlessly long shift, a coworker drove me to campus(thank god because it was freezing today!), where I began to put the final touches on a paper that is due tomorrow. My group is presenting a cultural analysis on Brazil in our global marketing class. It is a part of a market entry project we are doing. It is going to be alot of work but we have a pretty good group so I think we will get everything done in lots of time.
Do you ever have days where you wake up and you feel like you "grew-up" overnight? Today I am having one of those days. I seem to be able to see my life from a different perspective today and it is definitely eye-opening. Things that used to bother me seem much less important today. Anyone who knows me, even just a little, can tell you that I am, well to put it lightly, slightly emotional. But as this year goes on, I am beginning to realize that some things are meant to be left behind and that while some friends stay in your life for years and years, some only come for a short time and are gone. And while that makes even the coldest person a bit sad, it shouldn't be something to mull over. What happens, happens and you just need to suck it up and keep on trucking.
So while sometimes things seem incredibly overwhelming, I am trying to remember to suck it up and move on. Because really, what other option is there?
On a fitness related note, I took another "rest" day today as I try to battle my cold. I do, however, have plans to hit the gym at 5:30am tomorrow with my friend Sarah for spin class! So I must rest up for another crazy week begins tomorrow!!
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