Well it is Sunday night again, (argh!) which means tomorrow is back to work. The weekend was a pretty good one. Friday night we had a nice night of food and drinking with the co-workers. Saturday after sleeping in I spent the day being lazy and watching movies. All of my friends went into Seoul for Saturday night, I decided to opt out and stay in. I ended up getting locked out of my apartment because the lock got jammed. Luckily I had the key to Desiree's place because I was looking after her dog, and was able to find my directors number. She called my landlord who was here within a half hour. He then called a locksmith who was here within 10 minutes. The whole ordeal only took about an hour and I now have a brand new dead bolt on my door. I was really impressed with how quickly they got it fixed considering it was Saturday night!! Now I don't understand why it takes so long for things like this to get done in Canada?!
Today I enjoyed a nice relaxing non-hungover day. I got up early and went out biking for 3 hours. It was nice to get out and explore and be alone. Afterwards I spent the day doing laundry and then hungout with Desiree for a bit.
This week should be nice at work, no more report cards or tests!!!
I'm really glad you had a relaxing weekend. I hope you have a good week.