Monday, May 7, 2012

Just another Friday night in Korea

May 4, 2012- The day had finally arrived. I had been awaiting this day for a few weeks now and was anticipating the events of the evening. For awhile now I had been wanting a tattoo, but I was having a hard time figuring out what I wanted and where I wanted it. A couple of weeks ago I finally figured out that I wanted to have "run" tattooed on my wrist. Why you ask? Well, being slightly neurotic and a tad on the emotional side, running has been one of the only releases that I have been able to use. Every time I run, I bring myself back to reality. If I am having a bad day at work, a run makes it all better. If I am feeling down about myself, a run perks me up. If men troubles are making me sad, a run empowers me. So I played around with some fonts and finally found one that I liked. I like the fact that it will be on my wrist so I can use it as motivation when I am feeling lazy.

I went to Tattoo Korea with a few a month ago and had them look at it and give me a price. I had to wait to get paid so I put down the deposit and made my appointment, no going back now.

So Friday night finally had arrived and I met up with my friend Kat who was coming along for moral support. I was excited and nervous. I am not the best when it comes to needles. I normally have to get them to allow me to lay down just to have a blood test, so I was very nervous. Not only that, but many people had told me that the inner wrist is a very painful spot to have a tattoo.

Despite their warnings and my fears, I was in the tattoo parlour on Friday night ready to go, albeit, very very nervous. I lay down on the table and he asked me if I was ready. I guess so. The first bit of pain wasn't too bad. Kat was entertaining by my various faces and the amount of swearing I was doing.

I didn't want to look at it while he was doing it so I wouldn't know how much was left. At times it was really painful, and felt like someone was burning a hole through my arm. At other points, it barely tickled.

After about a half hour, it was done. Not too bad! I had managed to conquer yet another fear and didn't pass out(I was really worried about this!)

I'm really happy with how it looks! Glad I sucked up my fears and did it! 

Stay tuned for my next goal: Great Wall Marathon in China in two weeks!! 

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