Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Locker room rant: Ladies of North America, it's time to embrace the naked!

Tonight I realized something that has really changed in my mind since living in Asia. There I was at hot yoga, just finished up class and in the locker room unwinding and getting ready to head home. The locker room is rather small and only has two washrooms. As I strip down and change into clean undies, I head over to the washrooms to pee, only to find both of them full. As I stand there and wait, I realize the occupants are not using the washroom, but changing their clothes!! SERIOUSLY LADIES?!! You would think that at a yoga studio, of all places women would be more at peace with their bodies and not feel ashamed about getting naked in front of other women. Why is it that people in North America think/feel that way? I've been noticing since attending this studio that women are often changing in the shower stalls or hiding themselves behind towels to put on their bras and undies. COME ON PEOPLE!! No one cares what you look like naked!

After living in Korea where it's bare all or go home, I've become very comfortable with walking around the locker room nude, or in my undies. Here in Canada, I find myself almost feeling ashamed yet again for being that person who bares it all and doesn't care. Why is it that our society almost forces us to feel like we need to hide our bodies, especially in an environment that is all about loving yourself and your body? If you're going to pay exorbitant amounts of money to belong to a yoga studio and dress yourself in all the expensive yoga clothes, at least put some effort into actually trying to feel comfortable in your own body. I mean I do not always have the highest of self-esteems, but I sure as hell can get naked in a locker room!!! We need to start changing the way our culture thinks. We are teaching the next generation of children to be ashamed of their bodies, thus continuing the ever growing number of women with eating disorders and body image disorders.

Rant over. Please return to your regularly scheduled programming.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Hot yoga might be changing my life.

Well I'm a week through my 12 month Bachelor of Education, only 51 more to go!! This week was great and went by so quickly. Monday we began with orientation, we got to meet the profs and the other 60 some people in the program. It was a lot of fun and I was pleased to meet a handle full of others who have taught in Korea as well. It was nice to have that to bond over.

Classes were great. I am amazed at the enthusiasm from all of the profs. They are all very passionate about teaching and it definitely shows. Our classes are 3 hours long, but for the most part they go by in the blink of an eye. Everyone in the program is great, super friendly and excited.

I've been going to hot yoga for two weeks now and I am shocked at how much it has changed my life so far. I've been going to the 6am class before school and it feels amazing to start the day with yoga practice.

But the biggest thing I have noticed is how well I am sleeping. For the past six months I have been having a terrible time sleeping, I had become dependent on taking Benedryl every night to help me get a good nights rest. In just two short weeks that has all changed. I've been sleeping clear through the night, going to bed around 10pm and waking up at 6am without an alarm. It has been amazing!!! If that alone is the only benefit I ever get from hot yoga then I'll be happy! I think there will be more however, I've noticed I am a lot calmer and more patient already as well.

Getting out of bed at 5:15am to bike down to the studio is tough, but the benefits are worth the effort it takes!!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Settling in to a new life

Anyeong from Charlottetown! I've been spending the past week settling into this new city I will be calling my home for the next year or so. I moved down Saturday morning and with the help of my little brother, Jeremy, got my apartment set up.

I bought a couch and love seat off kijiji from a guy who lived in the same building. Got a nice deal on them and they are almost brand new from ikea! The apartment is really cute and has lots of storage space. It's in a pretty decent location, super close to school and the farmers market! 

It's been nice relaxing and getting settled on my own. I've been out on my bike everyday exploring and finding out what is nearby. I've joined Dynamic Fitness and have been going to hot yoga and spinning classes. I've done hot yoga before, but only in Korea where it was difficult because I didn't understand a lot. I am surprised by how much I enjoy it here, I can't get enough! I've been going everyday and love it!! I think it will really help me in my training for the marathon this year, among other benefits. 

I've spent the afternoon today sending out applications for jobs. Hoping I can pick up a part time serving gig somewhere soon. Would be nice to have some income again!! I am looking forward to classes starting next week, I think it's going to be a really great year! I was able to get out for a run yesterday morning so I used it to explore a bit of downtown.