Sunday, January 27, 2013

A quiet Sunday to reflect

Last night, I received a comment on one of my blog posts from when I first came to Korea. A girl who is looking into coming here did a search and my blog popped up. This led to me going through and rereading all my posts from my first year here. It was really eye opening. As I said in my last post. I have fallen into a rut. It is so easy once you get settled into a place. After reading through my posts I find myself longing for those days of unknown adventures. A new place, new friends, a totally new culture to learn and explore. I spent the morning dreaming of new adventures and where I can move to next. Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, South America? At this point, who knows. I have another year here in Korea to get through first.

Yesterday I got a few things crossed off my to do list. While I didn't get the opportunity to go volunteer teach like I had planned, I did go find High Street Market in Itaewon and my movie group is taking off with our first movie night to happen tomorrow. I am currently sitting in a coffee shop near my house waiting on some potential new lady friends to come meet me. Yesterday morning, despite the cold, I made it to the hash with the Yongsan Kimchi Hash House Harriers. It was a chilly run, but as always a great time. I was told yesterday that I am going to be the new GM, or Grand Master, of our hash group. When I first heard of the possibility of this happening, I was a bit nervous, it's a show position, I am basically there to entertain the group, however, it does come with responsibilities. But now that I have had time to settle into the idea, I am really looking forward to taking it over in March. I have just been coasting along in my easy life and I think this position will really help me focus my energies towards something!

I realized yesterday that the hashers really are my family here. We don't all always get along, but they will and are always there when you need them. As it nears my year anniversary of joining the hash, I am so thankful that I met all of the amazing people that I have. They have all really helped me this year and it is amazing knowing I have these wonderful friends here to support me.

Today it is chilly yet again, but I forced myself out for a short 5km run. It is great to finally be feeling good enough to get out and run again. I hope I can up my mileage in the new few weeks and potentially still be able to run the full marathon in March.

I'm adding another to-do to my list. Start a food journal. With all the issues I have with what foods I can eat, it is time I started taking note of what I eat and how I feel. I bought this cute little planner with bicycles on it so I can start recording what I eat.

For some reason, writing in this blog also helps me to realize the good things in my life. So with that I am going to try and write a little more often now.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you have a group of friends for support.
    That little journal is cute!
    Congrats on the GM thing. I think you'll be great!
